How To Control Your Lash Inventory
Being very efficient on how you control your lash extension supplies inventory will not only save you a lot of bucks but also, lessen the headache of over or understocking. When you’re fresh off training and are just in the early stages of your lashing career, you sure know the basic products and tools you must have. Now the next question would be – how much of these eyelash extension supplies should you keep in stock?
Overstocking and understocking can be very critical for your lash business. When you’re overstocked, you waste a chunk of money on unnecessary things. When you understocked, you may have to turn down potential clients because you just don’t have the materials. In this blog post, we’ll help you have full control of your stocks to prevent this inventory dilemma.
#1 Stocking your Lash Trays
So you just got certified and you know all the basics you need to have. But it can be overwhelming to decide on what type of lash trays should you go for. Well, for you to have an idea about what types of lashes are common among potential lash clients, you may have to do a subtle survey. Once you have booked a client (preferably someone who has experience with lash extensions), ask them about what set they normally go for. This will give you an idea on what trays you should stock up.
As a beginner, it’s also ideal to invest in mixed trays so you’ll have a little bit of everything. As you move forward, track your growth by making a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet should contain a list of your trays, as well as the details on when you purchased them. Check your list every 3 to 4 weeks for you to track which ones are fast-moving. Gauging how quickly you use certain types of lashes will help you decide on whether you should invest in a separate tray for that particular lash size and style. This is a good start for you to build your stocks up efficiently.
#2 Stocking Disposable Products (Pads, Mascara Wands, etc..)
It’s a different case when it comes to stocking disposable products such as pads and mascara wands. There’s no need for a spreadsheet as you can just purchase them as you go. These disposable products are actually not too difficult to stock up because you can normally purchase them in bulk amounts and at cheaper prices.
However, there’s still a tendency for you to overstock these since they’re pretty cheap and easy to buy. So always remember to consider the number of clients you have. No one else can tell you what the right amount is to have in stock because you’re the one who knows your pacing and client flow. If you have a small client base, no need for too much, but if you have a steady flow of clients on a daily or weekly basis, it’s better to stock up a lot (but still not over the top).